Our new 100% CGI Animation, produced for JKR Global, marks the release of JifJaf, KRAFT’s newest cookie brand. We created a fun story that portrays each character’s personality while keeping them ludic, silly and wacky. We made them experience unexpected and fun situations within their own flavor universe. Thus was born the Big Cheese bodybuilder, in the cheese flavor; the lovely lady Cocoa Bell, in the chocolate flavor; the skater Chilly Billy in the pepper flavor, and the super zen Mat Chakra, in Matcha flavor.
“It has been an absolute pleasure to partner with Lightfarm to bring the Jif Jaf brand to life. Lightfarm was able to transform the 2D visuals into characters you fall in love with – characters you adore, smile with, and those that always fill your heart with warmth and joy. It was Lightfarm’s passion & perseverance that made this possible. They have been a great partner in this journey and we wish them all the best for the future.”
– Roshni Chatterjee, Head of White Spaces, Kraft Heinz